Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why Pay to Heat the Whole House?

Autumn colors fill the countryside across much of our great continent. High School and College football games are a highlight for many this weekend. The cooler, crisp Autumn air is a welcome blessing for many of us.

As we strolled through the nursery of our local super retailer last night we ran across some Christmas decorations. In October! Yes, the major retailers are already stocking their shelves in eager anticipation of cooler weather and the wonderful Holiday season.

The near-perfect weather this weekend offers many of us the opportunity to get outside and check the caulking around our doors and windows. Today is a great time to seal off as many of those drafty air leaks where colder air might enter our home - or heated air might escape. Heated air that we will be paying dearly for this winter!

These beautiful days of Autumn might just be the best time to put up some plastic on our interior windows - especially on the north side of the house. Maybe add some nice, thick drapes to help eliminate the loss of warm air through leaky windows.

One idea we've been tossing around is how to section off the unused portion of our humble little house and shut the heating vents in those unused rooms. Why pay to heat the entire house when we only really use part of the house? Maybe order a little portable room heater and only heat the room(s) we are actually using?

Vornado VH2 EH1-0020-01 Heater

Vornado VH2 EH1-0020-01 Heater

Vornado Vortex Heat 2 Heater (VH2) warms an entire room using a combination of innovative technology and insightful engineering. Features: Easy to use control panel Advanced safety features Contemporary, smart style Full function controls Cool touch exterior Automatic tip over and over heat protection One year full warranty from Vornado

Luckily we can take some simple, inexpensive steps now to help keep those heating costs down this winter and have lower utility bills!

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