Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Add some insulation for lower utility bills

No matter where you live, your home will be more comfortable and cost less to heat and cool with the right insulation. That could mean more money in your pocket all year round.

Unless your home was designed with energy efficiency in mind, adding insulation can be a good way to save money. Most older homes were built without much insulation, which can mean high energy bills. Even if your home is new, more insulation can pay for itself in a few years and increase your home’s resale value.

The amount of insulation you need depends on the climate, the part of the house, and the type of heating and cooling systems (gas, oil, or electric) you have. Your attic is the best place to start. You can cut your heating costs this winter and have lower utility bills. Seal those doors and windows and add some insulation in your attic!

For more information about insulation, visit the Energy Savers website at www.energysavers.gov, or call 1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463).

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